Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony

Baked feta with grapes and figs

When you can't be arsed, but you need a quick route to Destination Edible, here’s what you do. Grab some figs, grapes and chunks of feta, drizzle them all with olive oil and a few other bits in a baking dish, then whack the whole thing in the oven. Serve with some toasts and wait for the 'you really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble' accolades to come flowing your way.

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Nonya chicken curry

Yes, a curry paste from scratch, but hear us out. This curry is delicious, but not if you shortcut things. It’s our take on a Nonya curry; the Nonyas (also called the Peranakans) are communities descended from Chinese immigrants who settled in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, intermarried with locals, and blended their heritage with Malay influences. Their food is a true fusion cuisine…

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Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony


Why use the Italian name for this dish? Because when translated, ribollita means ‘reboiled’ and we don’t know about you but a dish with that name would not exactly entice us to the dinner table. “What’s for dinner, Mum?” “Reboiled!!” “Ooh…

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Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter, soup Antony Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter, soup Antony

Double salmon chowder

Allegedly there are people who don’t consider soup a meal, but we are not those people. We love soup. And here’s a particularly hearty, meal-in-a-bowl soup, chockers with veggies, salmon and big, boofy flavour. We’ve used smoked and fresh salmon for the fish part, but you could use fresh, white fish fillets (tarakihi, snapper, ling, for example) if you’d prefer…

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