Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony

Baked feta with grapes and figs

When you can't be arsed, but you need a quick route to Destination Edible, here’s what you do. Grab some figs, grapes and chunks of feta, drizzle them all with olive oil and a few other bits in a baking dish, then whack the whole thing in the oven. Serve with some toasts and wait for the 'you really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble' accolades to come flowing your way.

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Spring, Summer, cakes, baking Antony Spring, Summer, cakes, baking Antony

Never too late Christmas cake

Are you a Christmas cake procrastinator? Do you start every festive season intending to make a gloriously boozy, fruit-packed cake, the kind that you make on Labour Day and put away to beautifully age? Only to realise it's nearly December already and you don’t have so much as a single raisin in the house or the correct sized tin…

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Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring, Middle Eastern, lamb, main Antony Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring, Middle Eastern, lamb, main Antony

Burghul pilaf with lamb-feta meatballs 

I’m flexing my mince muscles in anticipation of May, which I’m dubbing My Month of Mean. Or of Mince. Or of Misery. Or something. With the cost of everything going bananas and cash reserves shrinking (thanks, Reserve Bank!), I’m pulling my horns in. No more soothing retail, bye bye Binge account and see ya later exxie wine habit…

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