Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony Spring, Summer, vegetarian Antony

Baked feta with grapes and figs

When you can't be arsed, but you need a quick route to Destination Edible, here’s what you do. Grab some figs, grapes and chunks of feta, drizzle them all with olive oil and a few other bits in a baking dish, then whack the whole thing in the oven. Serve with some toasts and wait for the 'you really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble' accolades to come flowing your way.

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Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, salad, vegetarian Antony Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, salad, vegetarian Antony

Potato salad with green beans and toasted buckwheat

This potato salad with crunchy green beans, nutty toasted buckwheat, soft eggs, and bursts of fresh dill is hearty but fresh, earthy but bright – a salad that’s happy to play wingman to glazed ham, sizzling steaks, roast pork, or even a whole baked snapper. Toasted buckwheat brings the crunch, while a mustard dressing makes every bite addictive – this is a spud salad with serious swagger. It takes cues from Bavaria where mustard leans sweet, not sharp, and is served slathered on weißwurst, pretzels, roasts, and even with cheeseboards…

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Spring, Summer, salad, Mediterranean, main Antony Spring, Summer, salad, Mediterranean, main Antony

Tomato salad with currant dressing and haloumi

Need a holiday on a plate? Here you go! This salad is nothing short of an utterly delicious serve of sunshine that will go great with your next barbecue or chillaxed, Med-themed dinner party. And look, maybe it’s too early for tomatoes? We couldn’t wait for when they are at their sun-ripened best, but if you’re more restrained than we are...

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Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter Antony Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter Antony

Salmon with lentils and hot bacon dressing

Some ingredients just have a natural affinity which shouldn’t be monkeyed with. Lentils. Bacon. Vinegar. Spinach. No amount of yuzu/tahini/maple syrup/pickle juice/smoked paprika/bee pollen/hot honey/Reece’s cups or whatever other flavours are currently smashing it on Reels, can possible be an improvement. Full stop, end of story, no arguing…

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Summer, Autumn, main, lamb, salad Antony Summer, Autumn, main, lamb, salad Antony

Lamb freekeh bowls

Bloody autocorrect. Ours has a field day with ingredient names we’d think it should jolly well know better. We’ve ‘butthurt’ our corn when it should have been buttered. We added ‘shitpotle’ not chipotle to our chilli, although this one was arguably more of a straight typo…

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Summer, main, side dish, salad Antony Summer, main, side dish, salad Antony

Melon, tomato and oregano salad

Now here’s a combo I’ll bet you never saw coming. But jeebus, is it delicious or what? And we don’t have much more to say than that... and nor is there really a recipe. It’s more a concept. You know, the vibe of the thing. “In summing up, Your Honour, it’s melon, it’s tomato, it’s feta, it’s rightness, it works, it’s the vibe..

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dressings, Summer, Spring, salad Antony dressings, Summer, Spring, salad Antony

Emulsified vinaigrette

Platter up! Grab the nicest of what’s in season, cook it simply, hurl it on a big plate, then do the ‘come help yourselves’ holler’ like a fishwife. We love a salad Nicoise and, while salmon might not be a traditional inclusion, it’s perfect with everything else. The recipe here is all about the emulsified vinaigrette…

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